Available at Nourishing Insights clinic and shop at 44 St Andrew Street, Aberdeen or can be done at home. Food Intolerance testing can help a variety of conditions. If you have been suffering for some time and are getting by on endless rounds of pills which only offer symptomatic relief at best, food intolerances may be behind your continued health challenges. This test is suitable for children from 2 years old and involves a simple pin prick test. I offer a free 20 min consultation by phone to discuss your needs further and will advise as appropriate for each case. Test results are back within 10 working days. For small children our preferred approach is the gold standard which is an elimination diet. Ultimately the focus with our service is about getting to individual route cause and working on gut healing so as to restore immune tolerance and introduce most foods back where possible. Intolerance versus allergy. The test involves a simple pin prick test which goes off to a UK registered Medical Laboratory. This test is an IgG test which looks at your Immunoglobulin G response to particluar foods. There is much confusion and misinformation about food intolerances and what they actually are. An 'Allergy' is where you have an instant reaction to something as is often the case with common allergies to foods such as nuts and shellfish or even a bee sting. This can be a mild allergic response to a severe and sometimes even life threatening reaction where the person can go into anaphylactic shock. For these stronger reactions, it is necessary to carry a preventive medicine such as an epipen and serious care needs to be taken in managing this condition. The immunoglobulin involved in this case is IgE and testing for this is often done via the NHS. However we can now offer allergy testing also at our clinic if this is required. IgE testing at our clinic is also a pin prick blood test and the test offers both food and environmental allergens. An 'intolerance' on the other hand, involves an IgG response and the challenge with this is that it is often less obvious to the person experiencing it. Many people live for years without even considering that they may have one. That said, many of us know exactly when we've eaten something that our body doesn't like and a reaction can be fairly quick following a meal and can be quite severe. What is interesting is that when the results of a test come back, they often validate what the person was expecting and are thus very reassuring. One of the challenges is that it can take up to 72 hours to experience an IgG reaction which means you could for example, eat a potato on a saturday and have migraine on a monday and not join the dots between the two. So if you are one of those people who are not making the connection with food triggers, this could be why. The delayed reaction also makes it slightly trickier and time consuming when doing diary taking and elimination diets, although I also offer this approach and it works really well for many. It is of course possible to have both allergies and intolerances. For example you may have an 'allergy' to latex or nuts and a 'food intolerance' for dairy and yeast. There is also the option to test for both IgG and IgE at the same time if this is preferable. Nutritional protocol. Of course, there are other issues running alongside intolerances and the protocol for dealing with them involves more than just removal of identified triggers! This is where a Registered Nutritional Therapist comes in as I can ensure that you are well supported for total nutrient intake. I may also recommend further testing either via your GP or privately to identify other culprits. Ultimately, I will work with you to achieve balance and wellness across all body systems and tackling all of your health challenges in turn. We will also work together to heal the gut at cellular level and support digestive enzymes, stomach acidity and other fundamental aspects of optimal digestive health.This way, you will be able to re-introduce some foods as you heal over time and build back immune tolerance. Nutritional Therapy deals with the root cause of these problems. A food intolerance may indeed be causing your migraine. However, the ultimate cause is the reason for the food intolerance in the first place. This takes us to 'leaky gut' or intestinal permeability or perhaps you have low stomach acid. There are multiple factors that can set us up for developing a food intolerance from chronic stress to gut infections or drug medications. Food intolerance is therefore a symptom of an underlying weakness in your intestinal integrity. If this is not corrected, further problems will ensue longer term. An IgG test can only be carried out as a blood test but the lab we use offer a simple pin pick blood which can be done at home. Weight loss as a side effect not as a goal! One of the pleasant side effects of Nutritional therapy is that people usually lose weight. All recommendations involve following a 'clean' diet and the wonderful thing is that the appropriate support is given to be able to achieve this whatever your starting point. Something to consider regarding other weight loss approaches is that you can actually lose weight without eating healthy 'clean' foods. One example of this is just eating less. If we eat less 'junk' then of course we may lose weight but if we continue to eat foods that do not provide the right information to our cells, we are in big trouble! Add to this the fact that many of the foods we are told are 'healthy' are not. Weight loss should never be your primary goal to achieve wellness. It should follow naturally from following a health promoting lifestyle and appropriate foods for you. In addition weight gain can be an unpleasant side effect of unidentified food intolerance due to inflammation and fluid retention. If you have suddenly gained weight out of the blue, ask yourself if you have recently introduced a new routine example protein shakes at breakfast containing dairy of soya based protein powders as if you are reacting to either the dairy or the soya you can gain weight or really struggle to lose any. IBS, pain and autoimmune conditions, skin conditions. The commonest reasons for seeking food intolerance testing are the above and the results can be life changing for those who benefit. Double blind studies have shown a clear link between food intolerance and IBS with one study demonstrating a third of participants having at least one if not multiple food intolerances. In addition some sufferers of IBS benefit from following a low FODMAP's approach for a period of time, more in our IBS blog. Other very common conditions that are affected by food intolerance are Endometriosis and Eczema, asthma and hay fever, joint pain, migraine and mental health conditions. Interestingly, if you have an autoimmune condition, for example underactive thyroid or psoriasis, did you know that you are also at risk of developing other autoimmune conditions if you don't take steps to support your immune system now? I follow a Functional Medicine approach to my work as a Nutritional Therapist and autoimmune disease is an area of specialism for me. A Nutritional therapy consultation will help you get to the root of your particular health challenges. A food intolerance test can be done as a stand alone test without a full consultation as above, but a half hour consultation will always be completed to discuss your heath needs before the test is completed. Advice will also be given as to whether testing is appropriate or not. To make an appointment and to discuss your health challenges further, please phone 01224 969637 or contact us here I offer telephone and skype/zoom appointments for those at a distance. (Check with your insurance provider to see if Nutritional Therapy is covered) Prices can be found on our testing page. #Aberdeen #Nutritionist #Functional Medicine #Food intolerance I made an appointment with Beverley as I was struggling with underactive thyroid and had just been diagnosed with Polycystic ovary Syndrome. I didn't fully understand the link between autoimmune disease and food intolerance although I had suffered IBS for years, so it was all making sense! I was keen to deal with my PCOS through diet and supplements instead of drugs and am delighted in my success. Through eating the right foods for me, and balancing my blood sugar I was able to lose 2 stone and sort my hormones out. The result of all this (which I have to say wasn't as hard as I had anticipated!), is that I am now expecting my first baby! Highly recommend Beverley and Nutritional Therapy which really is life changing. Hannah, Aberdeenshire.
Allison Ciwell
11/1/2016 08:51:52 pm
Can you advise the cost for doing the rest please.
14/1/2016 07:19:48 pm
Can u please send over a price list for the testing
Mrs J Campbell
16/1/2016 10:01:24 am
Please email me a price list. Is this suitable for children?
16/1/2016 10:33:23 am
I would like to enquire about the food intolerance test price and prices for nutritional coaching?
16/1/2016 11:19:05 am
Catriona Stevenson
16/1/2016 01:13:44 pm
Could you please provide me with pricing information thank you
Linzi Rhind
16/1/2016 02:22:56 pm
Please send me price list
gemma Spars
16/1/2016 06:34:07 pm
Please could you email prices etc to the email address provided. Many thanks
Jacqueline Jolly
16/1/2016 06:51:45 pm
Can you please email a price list thanks
Joyce Gall
16/1/2016 07:19:27 pm
Price if testing and times this can be done please
16/1/2016 07:48:32 pm
Can you email the cost of this test please . Thanks
16/1/2016 09:26:54 pm
Could you send me a price list,have had skin rashes for 6 years,
16/1/2016 10:36:52 pm
Please could you send me price list for this and more info thanks x
17/1/2016 06:19:12 pm
Can you send me a price please.
Clare Evans
18/1/2016 10:40:38 am
Can you please email me price list?
18/1/2016 10:46:20 am
I'd like a price list sent please. I was diagnosed with a dairy and egg intolerance 8 months ago but would like a 2nd opinion as my symptoms have recurred, thanks
Danielle steel
18/1/2016 02:25:43 pm
Could you please send me a price list and further info about this also appointment waiting times. Many thanks
Lisa steel
18/1/2016 09:57:16 pm
Looking for a price list and waiting times please 😊
31/1/2016 08:39:28 pm
Hi Beverley
11/4/2016 06:42:42 pm
Could you please email me prices for food intolerance testing.
13/4/2016 11:00:12 pm
Could you please send me the cost for this please
15/4/2016 12:38:24 pm
Can u send me a price list. Do you do gluten intolerance tests ?
31/7/2016 11:09:43 pm
Could you email me price list for intolerance testing please?
1/8/2016 08:15:43 am
Please can you send me a price list, thanks
1/8/2016 04:19:44 pm
Could you please email price list and details. Many thanks.
1/8/2016 10:47:29 pm
Please could you advise on costs? Thank you
1/8/2016 11:38:14 pm
Could you please email me details & a price list? Also, do you check for gluten intolerances? Thanks,
Michelle barbour
2/8/2016 01:22:15 am
Michelle barbour
2/8/2016 01:22:22 am
Michelle barbour
2/8/2016 01:22:30 am
Michelle barbour
2/8/2016 01:22:44 am
2/8/2016 06:01:54 pm
Could you send me a list of prices? Thanks!
2/8/2016 09:52:07 pm
Can you please provide a price and availability.
4/8/2016 08:12:53 am
Can you please email me further details thanks
4/8/2016 06:55:19 pm
Could i please get a price list sent to email above.
4/8/2016 07:38:25 pm
Could you send me more information and details of cost? Many thanks
4/8/2016 08:45:52 pm
Could I please have price list for food intolerance testing? Had ibs for years
4/8/2016 09:02:12 pm
Can I have a price list please and more information thanks
5/8/2016 12:29:59 am
Hi, Please can I get more information and a price list for allergy testing. Thank you
5/8/2016 12:12:36 pm
Can you send me the price list for intolerance testing please? And available days/times
7/8/2016 05:08:51 pm
Hi, can you please email me a price list and more information on the food intolerance testing please, thanks
7/8/2016 05:44:17 pm
I wondered if you could email me a price list as I think I might be gluten free. Thanks😀
7/8/2016 06:10:40 pm
Can you send me a price list please. Thanks.
Jodie clark
7/8/2016 06:14:53 pm
Can you please provide a price list?
Mandy mullen
7/8/2016 08:20:14 pm
Hi was wondering I had my appendix out 3 years ago and have had migraines and ibs since its awfull stomach blotting cramps and accidents now it's awfull could you be able to give a price list or appointment dates regards Mandy
Mandy mullen
7/8/2016 08:23:42 pm
Hi was wondering I had my appendix out 3 years ago and have had migraines and ibs since its awfull stomach blotting cramps and accidents now it's awfull could you be able to give a price list or appointment dates if possible
Gwen Watt
7/8/2016 08:36:33 pm
Can you send me a price list please?
Tracey Phillips
8/8/2016 08:48:49 am
Im very interested in receiving a price list for these services. I suffer from pcos, endometriosis and ibs so I think this is something that cld greatly help me out. Thanks!
Cat Gifford
15/8/2016 11:24:32 pm
Hi would it be possible to email me your price list please. I'm pretty sure I have I tolerances to dairy and wheat/gluten but would like to know for sure, and if there's anything else!
Cat Gifford
15/8/2016 11:24:56 pm
Hi would it be possible to email me your price list please. I'm pretty sure I have I tolerances to dairy and wheat/gluten but would like to know for sure, and if there's anything else!
Cat Gifford
15/8/2016 11:25:10 pm
Hi would it be possible to email me your price list please. I'm pretty sure I have I tolerances to dairy and wheat/gluten but would like to know for sure, and if there's anything else!
17/1/2017 08:53:11 am
Hi, could you please advise on your waiting list and also please send through a price list? Thanks.
D Forsyth
9/2/2017 07:12:10 pm
I am interested in having the food intolerance test, please could you let me know the price!
Abigail Pittendrigh
19/2/2017 06:23:23 pm
I would be interested in getting a food intolerance test done for myself, please could you send me prices and how to book an appointment with your new shop/clinic in Aberdeen
Angela stewart
20/2/2017 04:47:08 pm
Could you advise of consultation times, price etc
21/2/2017 07:06:02 pm
Hi can you please send me a price list by email :)
Julie Barney
21/2/2017 07:10:28 pm
Can you send me a price list
3/3/2017 01:59:05 pm
Hi, I am looking for information (prices and availability) to get intolerance test and advice. Thank you
Angela Murray
24/10/2017 08:37:45 am
Could you please send me an email regarding prices. I have a 4 year old girl who is suffering constant croup, bronchitis and asthma and im looking for some tests for her x
Fraser murray
13/12/2017 01:33:36 am
Please can you confirm the food tolerance test cost and also price of any nutrition programmes / foodstuffs you sell to support better stomach bacteria etc
4/1/2018 09:08:23 pm
Hi, can I enquire as to your prices and availability for testing? Suffering from stomach pains, abdominal cramping and upset stomachs. Thanks
Natalie Farr
10/5/2018 04:44:47 pm
Katie macklin
4/7/2018 05:08:24 pm
please can I get a leaflet with prices, please and thank you
29/7/2018 09:34:00 am
15/8/2018 04:01:38 pm
I'm very interested in your food intolerances option. Please can you send me some more info on prices and availability. Thank you
Abigail Harding
23/8/2018 06:59:19 pm
Hi there, please could you advise me on prices for food intolerance testing?
23/8/2018 07:00:28 pm
Hi there, please could you advise me on prices for food intolerance testing?
Kirsty regan
1/9/2018 07:39:38 pm
I would be grateful for prices for food intolerance testing please.
fiona paterson
18/9/2018 08:19:31 am
Can you email me the price for food intolerance testing please?
22/6/2022 04:02:20 pm
Please send me a price list and do you test baby too
Jay Carroll
5/1/2025 08:21:04 pm
Can I please have a price list for intolerance testing for an adult? Thanks
Hello Jay, you can find pricing of some testing here: https://www.nourishinginsights.com/testing.html but do please contact us on [email protected] so that we may share further information.
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December 2023
WHAT OUR CLIENTS ARE SAYING“I did Nutritional Therapy with Beverley and it was life changing. I highly recommend it!” Allison Blakely (Glasgow)
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