How do we order supplements at Nourishing Insights? We order supplements for our clients via 2 main wholesale companies. Most of ours come from The Natural Dispensary and a small number from Amrita. Occasionally we direct clients to independent herbalists for specialist herbal supplies or more tailored options. Is there a discount scheme for the supplements bought via Nourishing Insights? Yes there is a discount scheme on The Natural Dispensary and also Amrita. All of our clients receive 10% on supplements ordered. Can we order ourselves via the dispensary? Yes, once you are registered as a client you can order your own repeat supplements. Not all supplements will need repeating so always check with us how long you need to be taking something. Some clients prefer if we add the supplements for them to save searching for the right ones. Also if you go to your past order you can click repeat order at the bottom and simply add or remove any as appropriate to save time starting from scratch. Can I make a phone order via the dispensary? If you prefer to confirm your order by phone we can simply add your recommended supplements to your cart, give you an order number and then you can phone the dispensary to confirm the purchase by phone. If you have any issues with online ordering this is an easy way around it. Can I add items to the cart which are not supplements? Yes you can order a whole variety of natural health products via the dispensary using your discount. There are a range of products which you would expect to see in a health store such as …..
Can I use my discount for family supplements? Yes you can. We only ask that regarding supplements if your family member is taking medications you let us know first so we can check for any drug interactions. Otherwise you can go ahead. Equally if you want to pop over an email to ask for advice for a family member we can make any recommendations as appropriate. This is probably the wisest option as often people think they need something but there is a better alternative which is more relevant or we may refer you for further support. Testing services How do I order tests after my appointment? Tests will be recommended and agreed at your appointments. These will be ordered by your clinician Beverley or Neleta. Each lab has a different process but this will be explained to you at the appointment. Can I do testing without an appointment? No. Testing must be done in conjunction with a full consultation. We need to understand the full medical history prior to making an appropriate recommendation. Equally we can not make a clinical judgement regarding the relevance of a particular test for any individual without a full medical history. Where do test results go when the results are available? All results come to Nourishing Insights directly to assess properly before calling you back for a follow up. In order to properly interpret the results we have to read back through your medical history to fully understand the clinical relevance of your results and next steps before we see you. Follow ups after a test will be half an hour for Thriva blood tests and any small tests. Larger tests such as stool testing or full hormone screens eg the DUTCH test etc will be an hour. Can I receive the results before the appointment? This is not something we recommend as in practice we find people can get confused and misinterpret information so it’s always better to wait for your appointment and go through them with your clinician when you can ask any questions. This is our preferred policy. All results are monitored as they come through so that we can organise your follow up as quickly as possible. You will then have access to them via the living matrix when your clinician has added a summary of key areas to address and released them via this secure password protected tool. Can I book a chat before booking an appointment to learn more? Yes you can ! We love it when we get to know you first and you get to know us and we can explain how the process works and what to expect and also whether we can help you or whether we feel a referral to another practitioner or modality would be beneficial. You can book a free discovery call here lick here to
There are many things that can contribute to feelings of anxiety other than the stresses of our lives. In fact we can present with symptoms of anxiety even when external stress appears to be low. So why might that be?
Did you know that symptoms of magnesium deficiency can result in feelings of anxiety, fatigue and irritability? Magnesium reduces epinephrine and nor- epinephrine synthesis and release, in fact even mild Magnesium deficiency can increase your susceptibility to various types of neurological and psychological stressors. In clinical practice this is the one we take very seriously as deficiency is so common and stress is a cause of depletion. Symptoms of deficiency are twitchy eyes, restless legs, headaches, insomnia. palpitations, arrhythmias and anxiety. We use different types of magnesium and varying doses so it is always best to check with us to identify the best option for you. We can also test red blood cell magnesium although symptoms are a significant clue. Omega 3, particularly DHA is essential for brain health. Our brain is made up of 60% fats and studies have shown that low levels of omega 3 fatty acids can manifest as symptoms of anxiety. Omega 3 fatty acids are neuroprotective and are effective in stabilising mood. Again deficiencies are extremely common since oily fish is the main source os this essential fatty acid. We also get some in flax seeds, chia and walnuts. Hormonal imbalances particularly low levels of progesterone, our natural antidepressant can cause symptoms of anxiety. Progesterone has a calming effect on the brain and stimulates the brain’s GABA receptors, the feel-good, calming neurotransmitters. If you have oestrogen dominance (symptoms being PMS, heavy periods, cramping, cystic breasts, fibroids) progesterone may be low and contributing to anxiety. Progesterone is commonly low in PCOS and at the start of menopause. Dietary factors such as magnesium, B6, omega 3 and other healthy fats can help boost progesterone as can managing stress. Our thyroid is also important, the thyroid hormone T3 affects the ways that serotonin and noradrenaline work. These are two very important neurotransmitters involved in how we feel. Often under diagnosed and poorly managed thyroid health can be behind anxiety symptoms. Testing involves a comprehensive test to include antibodies to properly assess thyroid status. This is something we offer routinely in our clinical practice. Symptoms of poor blood sugar regulation have been shown to create symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, and worry. When your blood sugar levels drop, your body produces epinephrine (adrenaline),and cortisol, the “fight or flight” hormones that tells your liver to make more glucose (blood sugar). This raises stress hormones that can cause symptoms of anxiety and mood swings. Blood sugar level drops don't just occur from missing meals but also from higher sugar foods from refined carbohydrates, cakes, so called healthy protein bars, fizzy drinks and processed foods. Histamine is not just needed to modulate the immune response and inflammation, but it also acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. Excess production of histamine or the inability to break down histamine can interfere with the neuromodulatory system contributing to anxiety symptoms. High histamine can contribute to sweating, insomnia, period pain, migraine, hives and more. Did you know that our gut microbiome has an impact on the production of mood-promoting and calming compounds including serotonin, dopamine and GABA. The microbiome also communicates with the brain using the vagus nerve. The microbiome affects the activity of the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to regulate many critical systems within the body including mood. We also know that Inflammation within the body can interfere with this communication and contribute to anxiety. Gut microbiome imbalances can lead to increased inflammation leaving the gut wall vulnerable to structural damage which can often lead to an immune response resulting in food intolerances creating more inflammation with studies showing that low grade inflammation/chronic inflammation and food intolerances causing symptoms of anxiety. This is something we see very commonly in practice. Nutrient deficiencies such as low B Vitamins can cause symptoms of anxiety. Vitamin B12 is important for red blood cell production, nerve functioning, and DNA production, all of which are related to our moods. Vitamin B6 helps the body produce a specific chemical messenger that inhibits impulses in the brain, which can have a calming effect. Low B vitamins can disrupt the nervous system as well as the circulatory system. Anxiety sufferers may be dealing with a range of the above and this can lead to treatment resistance from standard approaches as we are shooting at the wrong target. Understanding and uncovering any physiological imbalance is critical to full recovery and management. To learn more about the functional medicine approach read on here. Most women will experience some form of vaginal issues within their lifetime such as thrush, BV or AV. But what are the differences and what are the risk factors for these conditions?
What are PPIs?
It may be natural to confuse PPIs with those hidden fees that banks charged you for years without disclosing those fees to you. But the acronym “PPIs” stands for proton-pump inhibitors, a class of drugs that cause a profound and prolonged reduction of stomach acid production. They do so by inhibiting the stomach's gastric hydrogen-potassium ATPase proton pump, a process that is reversible upon discontinuity. The role of PPIs in chronic disorders Inhibiting the hydrogen-potassium pump (H+/K+-ATPase) to decrease stomach acid production has been the most common method of treating gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD/GORD) and peptic ulcer disease.[1] While this may be a quick fix, it doesn’t address the actual cause.[2] The Digestive System
The role of the digestive system is to break down and assimilate the nutrients from the food we eat and redistribute those nutrients to all tissues in the body via the blood circulation or the lymphatic system, so our cells can receive the required energy to function. The digestive system requires nutrients to function: for tissue function or the release of digestive juices and enzymes. A steady supply of protein (amino acids) is, therefore, required. The intrinsic factor, which is essential to the assimilation of vitamin B12, is a protein (glycoprotein).
What is the menopause
Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycle. This generally occurs from the ages of 45 to 55 years old. Menopause is normally diagnosed after you have stopped having a menstrual bleed for 12 months, when you’ve stopped producing the hormones that cause your menstrual period. Many women experience significant symptoms during the menopause but also during perimenopause. What is the difference between the menopause and perimenopause Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause. In fact, this can occur in women from 35 to 45 years old. Perimenopause describes the time in which your hormones will begin to fluctuate, and your menstrual cycle can even become erratic and often irregular. But this is also a transitional time as it’s the lead up to menopause. Menopause means your periods have ended. When you have had no menstrual cycle for a full 12 months, then you have officially reached menopause. ADHD for many families is a personal experience, navigating through the diagnosis, the questions, the lack of resources available and sometimes often guilt.
But with ADHD, there doesn’t seem to be many answers to all the questions that parents have around it…is there something we can do to help our child? Is it something that we have done? Are drugs our only option? Will this impact on them when they are adults? How do we cope? Collard greens are leafy, dark green vegetables (cruciferous) and belong to the Brassica genus of plants, which also include broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi and mustard greens. For hundreds of years, collard greens have been traditionally used in Southern American cooking and the ancient Greeks cultivated several forms of both collard greens and kale. Unlike cavolo nero or kale’s curly, narrow leaves, collard greens’ leaves are large, smooth, and flat.
Known as spring greens in the UK, they’re pretty much unloved and are far from receiving the same recognition as collard greens in the US. Yet they are packed with nutrients, scoring the highest on the ANDI list — together with kale. Update and your questions answered
First of all, can we take this opportunity to thank you for all your kind words of support and encouragement since we made our announcement regarding our forthcoming closure of the shop in Aberdeen. It has meant the world to us and we are so grateful that you have taken the time to write and pop in and surprise us. We took quite a deep breath after we sent that letter, and it was so wonderful that one lovely lady came straight down within minutes of receiving the newsletter. As there have been many questions raised as a result of the announcement, we thought we would do a Q&A for clarity but if you have any further questions please do get in touch. We all know how important gut health is, but we don’t put much emphasis on our brain health. When we go to the doctors, brain health is often not mentioned unless we are experiencing symptoms associated with cognitive decline.
Did you know that 1 in every 14 people aged over 65 suffers from dementia and that 1 in 4 people experience mental health issues each year? |
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December 2023
WHAT OUR CLIENTS ARE SAYING“I did Nutritional Therapy with Beverley and it was life changing. I highly recommend it!” Allison Blakely (Glasgow)
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